Project examples.
1400 Chestnut Street Apartments - Chattanooga, TN

In December of 2014 Asa was engaged by the Kore Company of Birmingham, Alabama and TDK Construction of Murfreesboro, Tennessee to provide planning, re-zoning & entitlements, survey, permitting and civil site design services on the development of a 210-unit, 5-story apartment building on Chattanooga’s Southside. The $24-million development, located at 1400 Chestnut Street, was constructed on a 1.6-acre tract adjacent to the City’s Main Terrain Park and Finley Stadium.
Between January 2015 and July 2016, Asa successfully re-zoned the property; performed a boundary, topographic and ALTA survey; negotiated the abandonment of an early 1900’s sewer line running beneath the property; negotiated a stormwater discharge agreement into the City’s Main Terrain Park; provided the civil site engineering design and construction documents; obtained the land disturbance permit from the City of Chattanooga, and provided landscape architecture design services. Numerous challenges were overcome through a collaborative team effort by all parties for this landmark project near the heart of Chattanooga’s revitalized downtown. Construction began in September of 2016 and was completed in the Spring of 2018. Services provided by Asa include:
Planning & Entitlements
Land Surveying
Civil Engineering Site Design
Landscape Architecture
Land Disturbance Permitting
Construction Administration
I-75 Exit 1 Intersection Modifications - East Ridge, TN

In June of 2016 the City of East Ridge selected the Vaughn & Melton / Asa Engineering & Consulting Team to provide TDOT Local Programs PE-NEPA and Design services on the proposed improvements to I-75 Exit One in East Ridge, Tennessee. Then, in the Spring of 2017, The City selected the AMEC Foster-Wheeler / Asa team to provide CEI services during the construction phase of the project. Spurred by the recent development on Camp Jordan Parkway, and the construction of the new Bass Pro retailer adjacent to the northeast quadrant of the interchange, the functionally deficient interchange requires direct accessibility between I-75 and Camp Jordan Parkway, better on-ramp and off-ramp capacity and alignment, the elimination of cloverleaf ramp conflicts, and the addition of signalization at the new Camp Jordan Road and I-75 N.B. off-ramp intersection. Services provided by Asa include:
Land Surveying
Design Project Management & Design Support
CEI Construction Management
CEI EPSC Inspection
Miller Park Revitalization

In July of 2016, Asa Engineering & Consulting, Inc. was selected by the City of Chattanooga’s Public Works Department to provide on-call Resident Project Representative Services on various projects throughout the City. The categories of projects for which Asa was selected include:
Linear Infrastructure Projects
Park Projects
Green Infrastructure/Stream Restoration Projects
The first work order assigned to Asa under the On-Call RPR services contract is the $8.4-million revitalization of Miller Park in downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee. This revitalization is Phase 1 of a 3-Phased $10-million public and private sector revitalization effort for the comprehensive MLK District make-over. The project includes the complete demolition of the existing Miller Park and the construction of amenities, including a glass enclosed stage with restrooms and a warming kitchen, terraced granite steps, multi-color paving stones, the complete reconstruction of MLK Boulevard between Market Street and Georgia Avenue, the addition of Silva Cell tree wells, replacement of approximately 500-ft of combination storm and sanitary sewer, the replacement of approximately 300-ft of water main, pedestrian-level lighting, ribbon curbs, a large open lawn area for pedestrians and spectators, rock outcropping art exhibit, and public wi-fi throughout.
Construction of the new park began in August of 2017 and was completed in September of 2018. Services provided by Asa include:
RPR Construction Inspection
Sanitary and Storm Sewer Design
Patten Parkway Pedestrian Plaza - Chattanooga, TN

In December of 2017 Asa Engineering & Consulting, Inc. was selected by the City of Chattanooga, the River City Company, and the Chattanooga Design Studio to provide Urban Planning and Design services on the proposed $4-Million Patten Parkway Pedestrian Plaza in Downtown Chattanooga.
Built in 1896, Patten Parkway originally served as Chattanooga’s market square and was specifically designed to accommodate the daily flow of buying and selling goods from local businesses. The space was demolished in the late 1940s and eventually evolved into the current-day configuration- a 420-ft long, 100-ft wide roadway with an ample center median. Although the median serves as a public greenspace with memorials that honor WWII veterans from Chattanooga, the space that once supported community interaction is now highly underutilized and disremembered.
Early in the planning and design process, both stakeholder and public opinions advocated for the revitalization to reflect characteristics of the original use of Patten Parkway. The completed design concept centered around a re-creation of a modern-day public square in which primary, everyday, circulation could happen in the middle, flanked by kiosk spaces on either side, and canopy provided by a new dense orchard of urban trees. Services provided by Asa include:
Planning, Stakeholder Engagement & Permitting
Landscape Architecture Design
Civil Engineering Site Design
RPR Construction Oversight
Manker Patten Tennis Club - Chattanooga, TN

In April of 2014, Asa was selected by the Manker Patten Tennis Club in Chattanooga, Tennessee to provide Master Planning and Landscape Architecture Design Services on a $250,000 landscape and hardscape improvements project.
The master plan was divided into six (6) specific and prioritized areas of the property, each in need of both hardscape and softscape elements to make the site more accessible, attractive and functional. In addition, stormwater green infrastructure elements were added to help manage on-site stormwater. In July of 2014, Asa began work on the project by first providing a boundary survey of the entire property and an “as-built” survey of the six (6) individual sub-areas that will be incorporated into the master plan. The master plan was used to contract with a design-build firm who completed construction in the Fall of 2015. Services provided by Asa include:
Land Surveying
Master Planning
Civil Engineering Site Design
Landscape Architecture Design
Construction Administration
TDOT Local Programs US-41 (Ringgold Road) Corridor Improvements, Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4 - East Ridge, TN

Asa is providing TDOT Local Programs NEPA, Design, ROW and CEI services on Phases 1, 2 & 3 of the US 41 Corridor Enhancement Project between McBrien Road and Kingwood Drive. The estimated $7-million projects include the complete reconstruction of stormwater infrastructure within the corridor; the construction of a 10-ft wide multi-modal path on the south side of Ringgold Road; a 5-ft wide sidewalk on the north side of Ringgold Road; cub & gutter; ADA compliant improvements; pedestrian level lighting; landscape amenities; and stormwater park amenities. The first three (3) phases of the Corridor Enhancement project are being funded through a TDOT Multi-modal Access Grant.
Asa was also selected by the City of East Ridge in the Summer of 2017 to provide stormwater modeling, design and CEI services on the remaining western section of the Hwy 41 corridor between the Bachman Tunnels and Kingwood Drive, thereby completing the pedestrian connection and drainage improvements along the western half of Hwy 41 within the City. This 4th Phase of the Corridor includes the construction of new stormwater infrastructure, including stormwater detention/infiltration amenities and parks; 5-ft wide sidewalk on both sides of US 41; curb & gutter; ADA compliant improvements; pedestrian level lighting; landscape amenities; bus shelters, and street furnishings. This project is 100% funded by the City of East Ridge.
The first three (3) phases of the overall corridor are expected to go to construction in September of 2020 and the 4th phase in the fall of 2021. Services provided by Asa include:
Preliminary Design and NEPA permitting
Stormwater Modeling
Land Surveying
ROW Design, ROW Project Management and ROW Acquisition Deed Descriptions
Final Design and Bid Documents
CEI Construction Oversight
I-75 100-Acre Mixed Use Development - East Ridge, TN

In April 2019, Asa was engaged by the owner of the Chattanooga Red Wolves Soccer Club to provide professional services on the $150-million mixed-use development located near the I-75 and I-24 interchange in East Ridge, Tennessee. The single largest investment in the City’s history, the project is anchored by a 5,000 seat professional soccer stadium (CHI Memorial Stadium) that is surrounded by retail, restaurants, hospitality, multi-family residential, meeting, office and outdoor recreation space.
While the majority of the surrounding retail, hospitality, residential, meeting and office space will be built-out over a 2-3 year period, CHI Memorial Stadium will be ready for the Red Wolves 2020 soccer season. Services provided by Asa include:
Land Planning & Entitlements
Land Surveying
Civil Engineering Site Design
ARAP and Land Disturbance Permitting
Landscape Architecture
Environmental Permitting and Consulting
Construction Oversight & Project Management
Mountain Creek Apartments - Chattanooga, TN

In May of 2016 Asa was engaged by Watercress Development, LLC to provide planning, re-zoning & entitlements, survey, permitting and civil site design services on the development of a 206-unit apartment complex development. The $30-million development, located at 1105 Mountain Creek Rd will provide new, up-scale apartment living along the foot of Signal Mountain.
Between June 2016 and September 2016, Asa successfully re-zoned the property from R-1 residential to R-3 residential; performed a boundary, topographic and ALTA survey; provided the civil site engineering design and construction documents; obtained the land disturbance permit from the City of Chattanooga, and provided landscape architecture design services. The topography on this site was challenging, but through a collaborative effort by all parties, Asa designed the site that was both aesthetically pleasing yet cost effective. As a condition of the rezoning, a new traffic circle designed by Asa will be constructed at the intersection of Mountain Creek Rd and N Runyan Dr. Construction began in the fall of 2017 and was completed in 2019. Services provided by Asa include:
Land Planning and Entitlements
Land Surveying
Civil Engineering Site Design
Transportation Design
ARAP and Land Disturbance Permitting
Landscape Architecture Design
Construction Administration
Camp Jordan Parking Lot Expansion and Soccer Field Expansion - East Ridge, TN

In the fall of 2019, Asa was selected by the City of East Ridge to provide planning, land survey, civil engineering site design, and construction administration services on the proposed expansion of an existing parking lot and the addition of 4 soccer fields located in the northwest quadrant of the park. The proposed parking lot includes the addition of 204 parking stalls and associated grading, drainage, base, pavement and utility relocation. The proposed field additions include grading, drainage, irrigation, sodding/sprigging and permitting.
The parking lot is slated for construction in the fall of 2020 and the fields are slated for construction in the fall of 2020 or the spring of 2021. Services provided by Asa include:
Land Surveying
Civil Engineering Site Design
Regulatory Permitting
Construction Administration